Thursday, December 6, 2007

St. Joseph Church Website

Here's a good news for all parishioners of Mira Road, Mumbai, India.
The Local Church of Mira Road has started a website for the church

St. Joseph Church, one of the most vibrant and dynamic parishes in mumbai ranks second with respect to the numbers of parishioners. Run by the Carmalite priests the church has seen a lot of changes and efforts to make it more dynamic and improve the spiritual well beig of the people.

This Website contains all information regarding the various church activities and a brif discription of the various association and cell formed in the church as well as the information of the choirs , history of the parish , the preists that have serverd the parish over the years.

The wesite was developed as an initiative taken by Fr. Rudolf D'souza, the then parish priest and under his guidance the webiste was developed by Mr. Merwyn Mathew - the Designer and Concept Head and Mrs. Dancia Jos - Website and Software Programming Head.

The photographs of the various feast celebration have also been posted on the website.

So just log onto and browse through the website.